Friends of the Washington Statue (FWS)

Great Englishman or a Famous Founding Father, Rebel Leader or an Inspired Patriot, Cunning Warrior or a Grounded Farmer, Victorious King-to-Be or a Proud Citizen?

Why is an iconic symbol of America in a place of honor in London?

The paradox is posed and answered in Trafalgar Square in a famous statue of George Washington, a gift of Virginia in 1914, dedicated to the “Special Relationship” between the United States and Great Britain and Ireland.

“Why do we as Englishmen gladly welcome the statue of Washington? It is because he was a great Englishman, one of the greatest Englishmen who ever lived; because though he fought us and vanquished us, he was fighting for ideals and principles which were as sacred to us as they were to the American people . . . . [His] merits were recognized by Englishmen even in his lifetime . . . . [When] the news of his death was borne across the waters, the British fleet flying at anchor lowered their flags to half-mast in honor of the illustrious dead . . . . Our duty in the future . . . is the example we set, by the common sacrifices we have endured and are prepared to endure again . . . inspired by the temperate judgment, the lofty nobility of soul, and the unselfish purpose of George Washington.”

The famous George Washington Statue is an enduring
symbol – representing an ancient friendship, shared
ideals and principles, and shared sacrifices.

Restore the landmark Statue
Replace the worn pedestal with a new one

This American Icon Needs Your Help!

Help prepare it for the next 100+ years in London’s Trafalgar Square!

Restore the landmark Statue
Friends of the Washington Statue (FWS)
Our not-for-profit mission
  • Restore the famous, landmark Statue.
  • Replace the worn pedestal with a new one designed by Norman Foster, one of England’s most famous architects.
  • Rededicate the Statue the summer of 2025 in Trafalgar Square, a gracious lead up to the 250 th Anniversary of American Independence in 2026.
  • Educate the public, emphasizing the importance of the Statue as a symbol of the “Special Relationship” – our shared ideals and principles and our shared sacrifices.
  • Raise the needed $1.0M in 2024.

Please Join Us!


Please Donate in support of this important historic Project.

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Please make checks payable to:

Friends of the Washington Statue, Inc.

P.O. Box 1252

McLean, Virginia 22101-1252